Monday, December 10, 2012

Changing Completely

After both viewing the play at the North Shore Music Theater and finishing up Act 2, we see a huge character change in Scrooge. Describe his character change. Do you believe that people can change completely, as Scrooge does? Explain your response and feel free to include any examples from your life.

Your response must be AT LEAST 8 sentences. Your post is due no later than Friday at 5pm.


  1. Have you ever seen a change in anybody? If you never have you have now. Scrooge has changed so many times throughout the play and the book. He has become sad to happy, greedy to generous, and so many others. His character change was so drastic, it all happened within a week! He went from being a greedy old miser to a man who bought a Christmas dinner for his employee and his family. Ebenezer wanted to have nothing to do with his one and only relative until his visitations from all the ghosts, now he is life of their parties! Before he experienced the ghosts he barely let Cratchit take the off for Christmas last year but now he even gave Cratchit presents for his children and paying him for the day he missed and even a little extra! How much did he change?! He went from letting poor Cratchit scrape by and then gives him a Christmas bonus and the day off! Clearly, the change in Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge is for the better!

  2. We know that change happens everyday, and that we are changing every second. Even so, have you ever seen somebody’s entire attitude change over one night? Well, in the classic story A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the main character Ebenezer Scrooge goes through the exact same experience. In the beginning of the story, Scrooge is rude and morose towards the people around him. After the three ghosts come to help Scrooge realize the errors of his ways, and escape the horrible fate of his lifelong friend Jacob Marley, he discovers how valuable life is and how rapidly it can change. He decided to be much more benevolent and generous to everyone he crosses paths with. Now, I won’t say who, but in my life, I know someone who has never been very pleasant or friendly to me. One morning at school, though, that person was smiling and talking to me like we had been best friends for years. It was quite a shock for me, but I went along with it, speaking the same kind tone in which they were speaking to me with. Clearly, people can change their attitude completely, and for Ebenezer Scrooge, that change is a very good benefit for himself as well as the people of his town.

  3. After I saw/read the Christmas Carol, I have notice some changes that Scrooge has done. For example, at the beginning of act 1 Scrooge was mean and gave Cratchit very little money. Then, at the end of act 2 he began to be nice and gave Cratchit more money and gifts for his children. Thanks to the ghost Scrooge is nice. If the ghost would of never of come he would still be the grumpy old guy, that no one would of liked. Another thing is that the nephew invited Scrooge to a Christmas party and he said NO! But, now he went to the nephew and told him to invite him to all the parties is going to have. So those are some of the reasons of how Scrooge has changed

  4. I don't think that people can change really easy like that. Like if you were a thief and you went to jail for it your friends probably wouldn’t trust you anymore. I believe that most people do eventually change but not that fast. They usually would have to be on probation and some people that are truly good won't go against their probation. Some people will always be the way they are, either bad or good. So I believe people can change if they are really up for it!

  5. People can change if they really try. A lot of the time people can change through punishment. Like going to prison for serious crimes and after some time in a cell they begin to think maybe if I change my mean and bad ways I can be a free person! Some people can have dreams like Scrooge overnight and change but that would take a pretty powerful dream. Even other people have support groups with other people who have the same problem. Sometimes that works and people have changed because of these proven methods. So there are proven ways that you could become a better person and I believe that people can change can change and become better people.

  6. In the story of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge was a very important character in the story and he was a mean person. He was mean because he didn't like Christmas and he never liked to give his money to his workers or to anybody. He was so mean that no one would even walk by his street.
    In his past, we learn that Scrooge was really nice and he would be with his family for every Christmas. He was nice then because he had a girlfriend and he didn't care about money back he was young. He started caring more about money once he started working. We learn about Scrooge that it wasn't nice to care more about the money than the people around him. I believe that Scrooge could change into a nicer person so if he can, then other people can.

  7. It shows scrooge changed at the end because he went to cratchits house and gave them all food and cratchit a raise. He also changed by he would say Merry Christmas to everyone and he also when to gave more to the poor and the other people who didn't have much money. Everyone will invite scrooge to their parties because he changed. Before they were all scared of scrooge to invite him to any parties. This was a very big shock for everyone around him!

  8. Scrooge changed an intense amount throughout the play. He was a miserable miser for almost his whole life till three ghosts came to help him. They showed him how ungrateful he was for everything he had. Scrooge changed into a much better person. I think people can change completely. They just need some help along the way. Everybody thought Scrooge would never change in a million years, but he did in just one night. I think people can change if they truly want to down deep in their heart.

  9. I do not think that people can change so quickly and dramatically, unless you have ghosts that show you a different view of your past, present, and how your future will play out. But i do think that you can change completely over a good period of time. Also, Scrooge has changed completely because he has seen how he has acted in his past, how he treats people in the present, and how that affects their attitude when he dies if he continued to be so rude and crude.In the past, he learns how he should have treated everyone around him. As he views the present, he realizes that Bob Cratchit has a very big family to support and he underpays him. He then sees that his nephew was doing an act of kindness inviting him to dinner, and he declines with a nasty attitude. In the future, Scrooge can see that nobody really cares for Scrooge and he is neglected by three business men. In all this Scrooge tries to talk to the people he is observing, but finds out they can not hear him. He then puts 2 and 2 together and changes completely because he now knows that he must.

  10. Mr. Scrooge was a very important character because he changed through out the play. He was a very mean man, until he got visited by three ghosts. He got showed his past, present and what the future might end up being. I do believe that somebody can change completely, if they truly show that they changed then you should give them a second chance. When he sees the past he sees him with his fiance. He realizes he lost the most important thing in his life, his love. Then he goes to the present when he sees his nephew toasting to him at the Christmas party even though Scrooge didn't go but he was invited. After he goes to the future and sees he is dead,they're glad that he is dead. Then the future ghost brings him back to the present day, Christmas. Scrooge completely changes. He goes to his nephew's Christmas party and finally gets to see his nephews fiance. Then he rushes to work to see if Bob Cratchit is there yet, he isn't. When Cratchit gets to work and sees that Scrooge is already there, he knows he is going to get fired. Then all of a sudden Scrooge gives Cratchit a promotion! Cratchit faints, because Scrooge has never gave him a promotion before and deffinitley not when he is late to work! I think Scrooge changed a lot through out this whole play. At the end Scrooge sees that Christmas should be about joy and happiness, not about saving your monwey and being grumpy.

  11. I think that people can change if they just try as much as they possibly can. I think that Scrooge could have changed without the Ghosts of Christmas because he didn’t just feel those things because the ghosts made him feel them. He felt those feelings way before he saw Marley and the other ghosts. Scrooge did have a heart; he just didn’t want to open it to his loved ones. Even though he was really mean, he was able to change quickly. When Scrooge was with the Ghost of Christmas Present and he saw his nephew and niece, he wanted to be audible so he could talk to them. He wanted to say that he was sorry for being the way he was. Also, when he went to Bob Cratchit’s house he saw that everyone wanted to make a toast to him and he felt touched. He asked the Ghost of Christmas Present if Tiny Tim was going to live. This shows that Scrooge, and anyone else, can change if they just try; you don’t have to get haunted by four creepy and mysterious ghosts, you can just decide to change by yourself.


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