Monday, December 17, 2012


This week I want you to get more creative! Next week is vacation. Flash forward to and it and let's pretend there is a huge snow storm! What are you going to do? Who are you going to be with? What is the best and worst part about a snowstorm? Fill me in on your blizzard adventure! Be sure to have your writing come alive and include great detail. Do not forget to proofread!

Your post is due no later than Friday, December 21, 2012 at 5pm.
It must be at least 8 sentences long!


  1. If a snow storm happens I would want to be with my family . One of the good things is there will be snow to play in . One bad thing is I would have to shovel and the power would probably go out and I would be bored out of my mind. I would go sledding and go off a jump and land on my face! Then, I would go off again and I go so fast that my tube pops causing me to fall and bounce down the hill. It would be so intense!

  2. I would get mad. I would get just as bored as Scrooge on Christmas If there is going to be a huge snowstorm it would be as cold as ice and and might go to sleep the whole day. I would probably be with my sister and black cat. Or maybe I would go on my moms phone and play games or something. My dad would make me shovel the driveway and I’d have to do it by myself and I’d be freezing as ice cream. The best part would be playing in the snow and having a snowball fight with my brother and sister!

  3. I jolted awake, exited for the first day of vacation. I bounded out of my bed to get to my buerue. I opened my over-stuffed draws and grabbed the most comfy clothes I could find. I pulled up my cozy black uggs, and ran out to the porch. Not knowing that there had been a blizzard, I step off the porch into a big snow bank. A chill shoots up my leg, how did I not notice the snow ?

    After I relize there's snow storm I run to the closet and grab my snow suit. My dog bounds out the door with me following. as I run through the snow I come across the entrance to the woods. I walk in with my dog following close behind. As I tred farther and farther into the woods I see wild life like deer, fox and peasents. My dog is barking at me and I stop, he should be glad im giving him a walk. When I look back to shut him up I see that the snow has covered my tracks. im lost. I retrace my steps were I thought I went before and relize im going in circles. Suddenly the wind blows hard. I keep walking, thinking I can find my way out. I finally remember, I start walking in that direction and my dog strts to lead the way coming back every few seconds to check on me. I follow him then he goes to far to see. the wind is even sronger now and a tree gets uprooted and starts to fall. I dive out of the way and im alright, my dog runs back. when I get out of the woods I go straight home.
    "Belle were where you?" asked my mom.
    " just taking the dog sledding." I answered. After that I stayed inside the rest of vacation. When I got back to school i Didnt tell any one about vacation. Then it was time for ELA.

    "So who has a story about vacation?"said miss Domohowski I raised my hand, she picked on me.
    I replied " So it all started when I woke up..."

  4. I would hang out with my little sister and play play-station 3. I would call my friend Brittany and we would hang out inside and talk to our friends on her iPod. I will sit with my sister and Brittany and drink nice, warm, steaming, hot chocolate.The worst thing about a snow storm in my house is if we lose power because I have a lot of people in my family so without tv my house would be a mad house. My family is really crazy during snow storms because everyone wants to go outside during the storm but they can’t with all the wind. For a fun time if we lost power We would probably go and either play a board game or we would all sit down and think of a game to play. The thing I like to do is just like to relax and drink hot chocolate by the fire!

  5. f there was a giant snowstorm I would be really excited! I would like to be at my house with my family. It would be AWESOME I would play in the snow and have snowball fights with my friends. I would take our puppy outside to experience the snowflakes on his face for the first time in his life. The best part would be the feeling of Christmas ,the cheerful spirit! Being able to see snow falling will be heavenly. I love the winter season! The worst part would be having the slushy, muddy, salty, snow mixture covering the road and the sidewalks! EW! I would make cocoa and have Christmas carols and movies going non-stop the whole blizzard to make everybody happier! My friends and I would sled and run around in the snow and have a great time. After that we would go inside and hang up our wet clothes, we would change into comfy clothes and watch Christmas movies like Home Alone and The Polar Express. We would drink hot chocolate with marshmellows, eat popcorn, and warm up. My blizzard day would be an almost perfect day!

  6. It was cold. The air is damp and the snow hovers a few feet above the ground. The wind blows through the empty branches of the trees. I'm inside my house bundled underneath a blanket with all my friends. We're telling stories and drinking hot chocolate. The power blanked out a while before. We are all sprawled across the hardwood floor searching for something to do. I glared out the window to look at the beauty of the snow. It's still falling, but it adds a tint of color to the dark outside. The worst part of having this unbearable snow storm is that we could not travel outside. Other than that, we would watch movies and listen to music. This is how I would enjoy a snowstorm with friends or family.

  7. I wake up. Feeling the chills run through my body as I sit up I look out the window, it's a blizzard! I grab my snow-pants and throw on a coat. I would call for my dogs and when I see them coming around the corner I would throw open the door, watching them race around each other jumping and barking at the snowflakes. Our puppy would experience his first snow! I would run around in the snow and make snowballs, preparing for the epic battle between my friends and I. I would prepare for their arrival, and when they got out of the car I would blast them with snowballs. We would run around in the snow and build forts and jump into piles of heavenly snow. After we come in drenched we would drink cocoa and eat popcorn. We would watch movies like the Polar Express and Home Alone. It would be the best day ever.

  8. If there was a snow storm I would be really excited and happy!! I would hang out with friends, go outside have a snowball fight and find the most BIGGEST hill and go sledding. Then come in when we are freezing cold! Have a cup of warm hot cocoa with marshmallows!:) When my friends went home, I would sit by the fire with my family and watch Christmas special's! The BEST part of a snow storm is doing all the winter activities outside with friends or family and then drinking hot cocoa! The WORST thing about a snow storm is being cold, and you could lose electricity from the storm!

  9. When there is a giant blizzard I always like to know that day and wake up to the ground covered in a white blanket. Usually on those days the second I see that snow I run outside and start running around. Once I play in the snow for about a minute I would go back inside and put all of my snow clothes on so I could jump and climb all over the snow. Thirdly,I would run back inside about every hour to get some hot chocolate and some lunch or maybe even a late breakfast! After a half day I come inside watch some tv. A good Christmas movie with hot chocolate. Lastly,when it gets dark all of my neighbors and we play man hunt in the snow!That would be a perfect snow day for me.

  10. I'd wake up and look out the window and see pure, white snow, sparkling. As i got out of bed, I'd call my friends up- you know, Belle, Miriam, Jessyca, Cassie etc. After they arrived we would get ready to enter the ferocious eye of the storm. As we pushed our way through the huge snow banks, there was a sharp gust of wind. Tons of snowflakes strike our face’s like little pin’s charging at our skin. We collect buckets of snow and create a huge fort so we can all fit inside. When it’s finished we all huddle inside to talk about what to do next. All of a sudden Belle thinks of making design’s inside the fort. While decorate the fort a chill hit’s us……..we decide to go inside my house to make hot cocoa. BANG! “OUCH! “ cries Jessy. Of course, the boy across the street throws snowballs. Painfully one by one we get hit. We dash inside the fort. We quickly make snowballs. We grab all the snowballs and charge at the boy!!!! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! We all say while he runs away. Mom call’s and says, “I made some hot cocoa for you girls.” One by one we’re handed hot cocoa by the fire. Sitting and relaxing we plan our next blizzard voyage.

    The best part of being in a snowstorm is having friends around.
    The worst part is that it’s hard to move around in the snow.

  11. If I was in a big snowstorm and I didn't know it, I would grab my two littler brothers and run downstairs, across the hall, and into my mom’s room. Then I would say in a panic, "what’s going on?!" One time when there was a thunder storm we went all the way down the stairs and into the basement. I was really scared because the news said that there might be a tornado coming toward us. It was exciting, but still frightening. Part of the reason why I was excited was because I never saw a real tornado before! However, I never really wanted to be in one! I would never want to be in a blizzard either because it’s just as scary as a thunderstorm; and trust me, I witnessed some terrible blizzards on the news. I hope that it would never happen to us!

  12. It was a quiet, peaceful night. I lay down, restless in my bed, tossing and turning. I managed to crawl out just enough to see the enormous cumulonimbus clouds over the horizon line, rolling into Gloucester. It was like watching a horror movie, the eerie silence before an epic battle was to commence. Just the thought of it sent chills cascading down my spine, so I decided to retreat to my warm, cozy bed, and I slept through the rest of the night. When I awoke, the clock did not show time, which could only mean that the power had gone out. I rushed downstairs to a blazing wood fire that illuminated the room. My sister told me that the power had indeed gone out over the night which was caused by a freak snow storm. The snow had completely barricaded the door so no one could enter in or out. My sister and I made hot cocoa and watched from the skylight, the snowflakes drop one by one. I studied the individual pattern of each snowflake as it landed softly on the window. If only there was a way to reach the outer world and play in the soft, fluffy snow. Wait! The idea hit me like a brick in the head. We made our way to the garage and grabbed two large shovels. I opened the door and the entire doorway was covered in heavily compacted snow, preventing us from seeing outside. Slowly, we chipped away at the snow, creating a large hole for us to pass through. I wiggled into my snow attire and ran outside to jump in the snow. My sister and I made snow angels, had a snowball fight with our neighbors, and even made a large mountain of snow to sled down. After we had done our share of playing, our mother told us to carry in the christmas tree and we would decorate it. The tree consisted of beautiful white lights, many different colored bulbs, and family made ornaments. When we finished, we had a filling chinese food dinner and then my siblings and I all went off to our rooms, remembering the wonderful day we had together.

    Many people think that the world is going to end very soon. Personally, I do not believe the rumor and never intend to in the future. However, if the world does infact end, I hope to spend every last minute of it with my family, and my friends, all the people that I love.

  13. "Mom there's a snow storm outside" I said to my mom. It was up to the second floor of my house. So I just stayed home and played my video games and ate chicken noodle soup. I was with my mom, my dad, my sister, my grandmother, and my grandfather. The best part of the snowstorm is spending time with my family. The worst part is that the power could go out. We had a movie marathon. That is how i spent my snowstorm

  14. I love snow storms, but I don’t go outside I don’t like the cold snowflakes in my jacket and getting my ears cold when my hat gets wet or snow in my boots it makes my uncomfortable and unhappy. I love snowstorms , the comfy part anyways…the fun part!… I love to be in warm clothes and watching my favorite movies with my family. I enjoy seeing the snowflakes gather on the windowsill, and drinking hot chocolate with a fuzzy blanket .

  15. If there was a snowstorm I would be so happy! I would put on my warmest, fuzziest clothes. I would go downstairs and the aroma of Christmas would fill my nose, making me more joyful. I would look outside and be amazed on how pretty the snow is. My friends would come over, and we would go outside and play in the white snow. Delicate, beautiful snowflakes would fall on our hands, then so quickly melt away. Eventually we would get cold and go inside. On the table there will be tasty hot chocolate with whip cream on top. My friends and I would watch Christmas movies all day and all night. This would be the best day ever! I hope it happens sometime in the future!


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