Monday, January 7, 2013

"The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself"

This week we will be starting to read the screenplay,  The Monsters are Due on Maple Street, by Rod Serling. In the play we will discuss just how powerful fear, prejudice and suspicion can be!

For your blog post this week, I would like you to answer the following question:

Think about what you are afraid of. How does fear affect the decisions you make?

Your response must be at least 8 sentences. PROOFREAD! It is due no later than Friday, January, 11 at 5pm!


  1. Clowns and spiders scare me and they affect my way of life. If one is in my room I can't sleep there. Clowns scare me because I watched a scary movie based on clowns called "It." I had a nightmare that the clown chased me and tried to eat me. It also tried to kill me. These fears affect my decisions in life because I choose not to go to carnivals and I also cannot go to Hammon Castle on Halloween. My fear of spiders really affects my decision on where I sleep because if I see one, I will definitely not sleep in that room!

  2. Well.... i’m afraid of tagu. This affects my life because every time my mom goes to the pet shop she likes to play with the tagu and I have to wait in the car, when everyone else is enjoying their visit. The pet shop is really magnificent and big but i’m too afraid of tagu’s. A tagu is a huge slimy, scaly, lizard that can grow up to 5 feet or more. The main thing that scares me is my mom wants one but she said they just walk around your house and have no cage. Eventually, i’m going to have to get over my fear because I don’t want to hold my mom back from getting something she has wanted her whole life.

  3. My fear is spiders. Spiders affect my life because there are a lot of creepy, long-legged, hairy daddy long legs in my dad's bathroom every beautiful summer. Those creepy daddy long legs don't make it a wonderful summer for me because when my siblings and i decide to go outside and throw water balloons, I tend to laugh and I have to go to the bathroom. I go in the bathroom and there's a big,ugly creepy daddy long leg waiting and taunting me just hoping I will come in. This is outside also. whenever I'm playing with my four year old brother I get a creepy feeling crawling up me. This effects my life because for me everywhere I go there are spiders and I need to get over my fear and go in the bathroom and play or else I wet myself and that's not an option.

  4. It is 2:00 am I stare at the clock I need to go to the bathroom.I look at my surroundings I tip toe to the bathroom.Any shadow or noise I will freak out .Especially if there is a big,frightening and hairy spider lurking in the corner!This fear effects my life and my decisions whenever I go to the bathroom or shower I always have to look in the shower or even in the toilet just incase a big scary spider is right there waiting for me.And if that is the case I will run and scream!It is also hard when I play video games and there is giant spiders.So I always keep a blanket close by.

  5. I'm afraid of being embarrassed. Little things can effect it, such as talking infront of my class, or asking someone a question. Being embarrassed holds me back from doing some things that I want to do. The thing I want to be able to do most is talk infront of people. My mom has been encouraging me to ask more questions in school, but I just can't get the words out. Being embarrassed is my biggest fear.

  6. I begin to feel nauseous as we ascend to the upper floor inside the moving death trap. My brain becomes dizzy and it seems as if the world is spinning like a clock. The distinctive ding of the bell sounds and the doors slowly separates; I ran out as quick as I could and instantly felt better.

    One of my greatest fears are elevators. I was about 6 years old at the time; my family and I went to the North Shore Mall to go Christmas shopping. The mall was bustling with excitement of the upcoming holiday season. Many people were rushing, trying to complete their last minute shopping. We were going downstairs to shop in a different store department. I turned around and my family was nowhere to be seen. I thought that my parents had taken the elevator, so walked calmly into it and looked around but still I could see no sign of them. As we were descending, I began to finally feel alone like there was no one in the world who could help me. This is how I feel about elevators now every time that I enter one. If I am with my friends I get very embarrassed but I still refuse to ride them. Whoever I am with gets very angry about walking up the stairs, but they take them anyway.

    Thankfully, there was a very nice woman on the elevator that helped me find my family. I still, however, fear elevators and always will.

  7. My biggest fear is talking to people. This affects my life because its hard to make friends and talk in big crowds. My mom wants be to talk more but its so hard. When ever someone talks to me and I dont know the person my face gets red and i can barely speak, samething if a teacher calls on me to read something out loud in the class.

  8. What do you fear? Like Miss Domohowski I also have a fear of change. Change is a drastic thing. Having a fear like change can be really bad, it can affect my decisions for my life! It affect where I choose to go to school and live. I know I have to pick up everything and move to a different town or even state I would have extreme anxiety! I would be pacing in my room and not be able to sleep. If I woke up one morning, came downstairs to not see my mother in the kitchen on the morning of school I would sprint around the house trying to find out where she is! When I came downstairs and not see my Mom in the kitchen it would interrupt my whole day! That one difference that one change would make me go insane. That one change would make me run around the house in panic instead of just going on with my business. It takes me weeks to get used to knew things, which means that I can not get used to a fast-paced lifestyle. Having that lifestyle would be very menacing to me. The constant fear of change lurking in my shadows is a very nerve-wracking experience and I always have to remember that the way things are now will never be the same again.

  9. I’ll admit to say, I’m afraid of a lot of things. I tend to find myself staying away from scary movies, scary tv shows, and scary stories, but there's one thing that scares me more than any object in the world and that is speaking in front of people. I loathe it! I become so nervous that the expression on my face and the sound of my voice leaves me in a state of shock . Chills run down my spine when the teacher says “it’s my turn”. When I stand in front of the class I freeze like an ice cube thats been sitting in the freezer for hours. This affects the decisions I make because, one day I might apply for a job that includes speaking as part of the work activity. I’d rather write a twenty page essay then speak in front of people! This fear really affects my life and the decisions I make, and one day I hope to overcome this anxiety of fear.

  10. I am afraid of heights. This affects some decisions I make because at water parks, carnivals, and the fiesta, I can not go on a lot of rides because just the thought of falling and hitting the ground scares me a lot. Another fear is spiders. If I see a spider anywhere, I think that I'll get something and kill it, but as soon as it moves, I leave it alone.

  11. when I start to think of thing I fear not a lot of things pop up. But there is one thing I fear most of all. not spiders, clowns, heights, or change. I tend to look on the bright side of things. I'm not scared of death or breaking my arm or physical pain. Embarrassment doesn't scare me because I embarrass myself every day. I'm not saying I'm not scared of anything. I used to be afraid of zombies but I figured out there not real.. so what am I afraid of? Failure.

    My phobia started when I failed to catch up to the person who stole the soccer ball from me in soccer. My problem is I used to just give up, I'm running hard playing hard and the person takes the ball from me, I just give up all hope. Now i jog every night, I'm working on my stamina even though i always had it. I need to run harder and work harder and not give up, not fail.

    On the bright side, my phobia of failure pushes me to work harder, it motivates me to be the best I can.


  12. I i'm afraid of ghost mainly because I saw a TV show once when I was little and it had a permanent affect on me somehow. The effect it had on me is if I'm alone in the dark then I hear a noise I get freaked out and have to leave the room in a hurry. One time I was watching TV and my sister said "Max I keep hearing noises coming from the basement." so I went to go check it out,I brought a flashlight which was almost dead and the lights in my basement don't work very well either. So I went down and turned on the light then my flashlight died then my furnace made a huge noise. So I ran out of my basement and up the stairs and gave up looking in the basement and handed the flashlight to my sister. my fears kept me from finding out what the noise in the basement was even thought it was just the old furnace


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