Monday, January 28, 2013

Def Poetry

The video below is an example of "Def Poetry." The poet performing, "Shihan" is  most commonly known from HBO's Def Poetry. For the past 15 years, Shihan has been co-hosting Da' Poetry Lounge, the nation's largest open mic night held in Hollywood, CA. A native of New York’s Lower East Side and a current resident and local legend of Los Angeles, Shihan is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic spoken word artists of our generation.

What is Def Poetry?

"Def poetry is a form of poetry typically based on urban culture and themes, often with an expressed focus on the African American experience. While not defined purely by racial themes or poets, and anyone of any race or cultural background may compose such works, there is certainly a precedent for African American poets in this art form. This type of poetry typically serves to illustrate the experiences and lifestyle of those who grow up in urban environments. Def poetry can take a number of different forms, depending on the poet, though it typically expresses personal opinions and life stories." Source

This week take a look again at the video we viewed in class and react to it. What is your opinion of this example of Def Poetry? Do you like it or dislike it? Why? Give reasons to support your opinion. In your response also be sure to explain one example of a poetic device (metaphor, simile, alliteration, personification etc.) that Shihan uses. 

Your post is due no later than Friday at 5pm and must be at least 8 sentences.


  1. I thought this example def poetry was strong. Shihan put lots of personal things in the poem. For example, he talked about how his daughter still asked him if he still loves his daughter. He almost teared up and that really hurt his feelings. He puts lots of metaphors and similes in the poem. He said "Tears Pregnant with guilt." That is personification.

  2. In this Def poem I liked some of it and some of it i didn't like at all. One example that I didn't like was that he talked way to fast for me. If he didn't talk fast I would like it.One example that I did like was that he expressed his emotions. In this Def poem the man had a lot of metaphors,alliteration,personification and similes. One example of a alliterations is "Daddy do you still love me?" If I were to listen to another Def poem I would want it to be slow and not fast. So, overall I kinda like it.

  3. His words flowed together like a swift river running quickly down a mountain. The emotional content of what Shihan spoke moved me tremendously. I believe that what he conveyed was very powerful. He spoke of his life and his outstanding love for his family. Shihan told a story of how he was away from his family for a long period of time. His daughter asked him probably the worst question a parent could be asked, "Daddy, do you still love me?" After hearing what she had said, Shihan quotes "I thought I'd die when she asked me that." That for me was very moving and I could not begin to imagine what it must have felt like to hear those words spoken to me. Also, he uses very descriptive language to get the message of his poem to the audience. For example, when he is describing his son, he says with a simile "And our son. Who will someday grow to be something more amazing than we ever imagined like a mustard seed moving mountains, like a grain of sand...” Shihan uses descriptive language to describe his family, but also, what he is speaking shows more about his character than a hug or a kiss ever could. His words shows that he is a very loving and caring man and he seeks finds the beauty in everything in life, and I think everyone should be able to access that quality within them.

  4. I liked the video about Def Poetry. He talked about his family and his daughter. She was really important to him. I liked it because he said how important she is to him and that he never wants to leave her. I like how he talks to all of those people about his life. It would be good for other people to watch so other people can change their mind about how important it is to be with their family.

  5. I like the video because he talks about his son and his daughter. He used alliteration like he said "moving mountains." I liked to listen to that one more time because it was powerful . I don't think that I could do that it takes courage. I like how he talks about his doughtier and his son in a great way. I can tell that he loves his family.

  6. You could hear the pain among this voice slowly melting into sadness, anger even. I really enjoy his poem and attitude. This type of poem is not like anything I have experienced, it is a whole new way to recite this art. The way he put "I don't have a metaphor for that..." I really liked that, it made it even more enjoyable. The simile he used to describe his son was brilliant. "And our son. Who will someday grow to be something more amazing than we ever imagined like a mustard seed moving mountains, like a grain of sand...” The way those words sound is amazing, and such an magnificent metaphor. Shihan certainly is one of my favorite poets now. He has a beautiful personality and just loves life it seems.

  7. I thought this example of def poetry was very powerful. Especially when he spoke of how his own daughter say ''Daddy do you love me''.Even my heart sunk a little bit when he said that. He explained there is no metaphor for how he felt. A metaphor is a poetic device that compares two unlike things,not using like or as such as a simile. I think the poem was also for people who spend a significant time away from like Shihan. He really poured his heart and soul into that piece of def poetry. In this poem I think that Shihan told a story of how important spending time with friends and family members really is.

  8. I actually really liked it, because, even though he talked really fast it was touching! I could only hear a couple of words he said. But it amazed me as he said his daughter asked him “Daddy, do you still love me?” He just looked like soon he would cry. I liked his choice of poetic devices. He had a lot of alliteration and some personification! Another way it was powerful to me is that he didn’t get to see his kids or family very much because he was always on the road. This video was very emotional and powerful!

  9. I didn't like it at all. The guy talked way to fast like he was rapping. Also, the term "def poetry" makes no sense at all because if you were def you wouldn't be able to hear it, and it's more rap than it is poetry. Next, he said "trying to find the happiness in all this darkness" (or something like that), which is sooo cheesy because i've heard that like a million times which shows he is un-creative. So, overall I did not like the "def" poetry at all.

  10. I was very inspired after watching this example of def poetry. Shihans voice was so calm and soothing. His words really made me think. “The only thing thats perfect about me is my family.” After Shihan spoke these wise words, it really got me wondering. I was wondering if this quote fits me, and it does. I love my family and without them I would be nothing. I could feel Shihans never ending love for his wife and children. I could hear the love and emotion through his voice. My favorite line in Shihans performance was, “I’m only human, saying this can sound like a bad thing”. I think this is completely true. It does sound like a bad thing. Humans make mistakes and they mess up but, I think being a human is the best thing to be. Shihans performance of def poetry made me feel powerful and understand the most important thing in my life.

  11. I was inspired by Shihan’s def poetry. He had a lot of poetic devices in his Father’s Day poem. “...And our son. Who will someday be more amazing than we ever imagined, a mustard seed moving mountains like a grain of sand..” This simile intrigued me. Shihan is saying that no matter how great he thinks he son will be, his son will be even better than what he could ever imagine. That quote got my train of thought rocketing down the tracks, with several questions. Is this what every parent wants from their children? Or Is this what every parent expects from their kid? Shihan had also said “ The only thing perfect about me is my family.” The quote got thoughts blazing through my mind and bouncing off the walls of my head. Does this quote describe me? Is the quote the opposite of my life? Would my family be the same without me? Would my family be completely different without me? I came to the conclusion that the quote does fit me. I would not be the same person I am today without my family being who they are and how they act. Shihan’s courage is bewildering to me. When his daughter said “ Daddy do you love me? When he said that my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Of course he loves you! By repeating the line his daughter said gives him so much courage and strength. Being able to have the power over yourself and share the most intimate details of your life. Shihan’s def poetry is very inspiring and I now look up to Shihan because of his strength and courage.

  12. I was very inspired after I had heard Shihan's poem. He had put a lot of heart and thought into it. Shihan used many alliterations, similes and metaphors. One alliteration was when he said, "Daddy do you still love me?" Shihan's poem 'Father's Day' really spoke to me. It gave me enough courage to say what I care about. Def poetry is one of the many poetry devices people use. I am a fan of Def poetry because you are able to speak your mind without being judged.


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