Monday, January 14, 2013

Looking at Lyrics

As we continue to learn about powerful writing I want you to consider what makes a piece of writing so interesting. How will you truly capture your audience's attention? I think it may be helpful if we think about music first. What makes a song so catchy or engaging? 

This week I want you to think about one of your favorite (appropriate) songs. Look up the lyrics. (AZ Lyrics is usually a good site to do so). Examine the lyrics. 
Are they powerful? Are they catchy? Why do you think so? Is there figurative language in it? (Metaphors, Similes, Personification etc...)  What does the song mean?

Write at least 8 sentences that answer some of these questions and ultimately express why this is one of your favorite songs. Your post is due no later than Friday at 5pm. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK!


  1. In the song, "Come Sail Away" by Styx the words are powerful because they express some ones feelings. I think its catchy because it has a catchy tune. It also has great word choice. The song is about some one dying and going to heaven. There is a metaphor in it because it compares riding a star ship to going to haven . I think that is rely well.

  2. My favorite song is Little Things by One Direction.
    They use figurative language by saying “ joining up the dots with the freckles on your your cheeks”. This is figurative language because you can’t really join up the dots on someones cheeks.This is representing a love song. The song means that they love the little things about a person. It is also representing how the person talks in her sleep and they will keep whatever she says a secret, which are the little things.

  3. In the song "Forget You" by Cee Lo Green.This song is a very powerful song because,a man sings a song talking about a women that he used to like and only wanted his money so she left him.In the song it say "I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough" so that would mean she didn't want him because he wasn't rich enough for her.In this song there are metaphors,one of them is "I guess she's an Xbox, and I'm more an Atari".That is a metaphor because there is no like or as,so the man was comparing her to an xbox and he was comparing him self to an atari.Another metaphor is "But the way you play your game ain't fair"so that mean that the game was that he loved her and she loved the money.The song is a catchy song to me because of the rhythm and the tone.That what i think the song means.

  4. A relatively new song but EXTREMELY powerful. The words that make up the lyrics have a very clear message. “.. I won’t give up on us even if the skies get rough, I’m giving you all my love..” Jason is saying that no matter what happens he “ won’t give up “ on those he loves. “.. and when you’re needing your space to do some navigating, I’ll be here patiently waiting.” In this line of the song he is saying that even when you do not want him around that he will wait for you to come back around. He is saying that those who love you will always wait for you to get your priorities straight. If you listen to this song it describes how two people should care about each other. Hearing this song gives me faith in humanity again! After hearing all the rap songs give my ears a break.

  5. Many people often don’t think of the meaning of a song, they just hear the melody and it becomes their favorite. However, the song “Time of Your Life” by Green Day gets your attention and also helps you understand what the message is. The lesson that I believe the song is trying to convey is that we should not try to rush through life, but enjoy the ride and live your life to the fullest. It has a soft tone to it unlike the heavy metal or fast paced music we hear today. I happen to be a fan of slow music so that is another reason I enjoy this song so much. The chorus says, “It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you had the time of your life.” These lyrics are very powerful because it says that we do not know what our future will be, but we should make the most of where and who we are now, and therefore teaches you a great lesson. Every time I hear it on the radio, I always turn up the volume because it brings back great memories of my elementary school. In my 5th grade class, we chose that particular melody as one of our “Class Songs”, and it reminds of my old school everytime I hear it. “Time of Your Life” is a beautiful and powerful song and it will always be one of my favorites.

  6. The song that speaks to me is ''You Got to Keep Your Head up''By Andy Grammar.The song can really speak to every one who needs to brighten their day.Even when you need to be inspired and motivated.The song can give you a creative and inspiring boost.When I listen to the song on the radio when I hear it and I am having a bad day it lightens me up from the inside out.Basically the song is saying even when you have a bad day keep your mood bright it will get better.If you or any one you know is having a bad day tell them to listen to this song.It might make them feel better.

  7. The song I like is "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. I like it because it has a catchy hook. It is telling people how to treat a girl. And girls how to treat boys. In this song Bruno says he will catch a grenade, throw his hand on a blade, jump in front of a train, go through pain, take a bullet straight his brain and die for her. He is saying all these things to a girl because he is in love and now he is crushed because she dumped him. This song is good because it shows people how other people feel when they get dumped.

  8. The song I chose was “This Girl Is On Fire” by: Alicia Keys. I think this song is powerful because it is about this single mother and, she has lots of things to do. She is working as fast as a lightning bolt. She is on her own and no one is helping her. The line, “She got both feet on the ground “ is an example of a metaphor. This means that she is sturdy, and has everything under control even though that she has lots of things to do like having to go to work and send her kids off to school and support her family. Overall, I think this is VERY powerful because the song is reality. There is are many single mothers in the world who go through this every minute of the day!

  9. One song that is special to me is "toy soilders" by Eminem. When i listen to music i usually listen to the lyrics because it makes me feel strong. The words remind me of all the hard times i've been through. It has the power to make me sad, or inspired. music is a big part of my life and the words can help you through tough times, or can get you into a good mood.

  10. The song Breathe Me, by Sia captures me in a blissful place every single time I listen to it. I’ve listened to an intense amount of songs, and believe me I get sick of songs a lot, but this song never gets old. I usually don’t like to listen to slow songs but this song is the only exception. The lyrics are so powerful, the singer repeats “be my friend” she is lost and depressed. She needs a friend to stand by her and fight for her. This song is so descriptive I can imagine the whole scene. I picture a girl who is an outcast, she is needy and needs somebody to care for her and support her. Throughout the song she finds a friend and is truly happy. I haven't been through an experience like this, but somehow the lyrics grab onto me and make it extremely relatable. The singer says “ I feel unsafe” almost as if a friend will take her out of her haunted past and erase her nightmares of the future. In the beginning of the song, the lyrics make it seem like theres no hope for this girl. She says “I’ve been here many times before. Hurt myself today and the worst part is there’s no one else to blame” she is clearly hurt and needs somebody to reassure her that it’s going to be okay. This song is about the true beauty of friends, they help you, support you and fight for you. It’s hard to find true friends, I know I have some and I’m thankful. This song makes me want to be a better friend and help someone in need. Although you have your family which is so important but, I think friends are the key to a peaceful life. I find myself listening to this song everyday. The lyrics grab me in and never will let me go. This song is so beautiful, that it will get you emotional. This song makes me so thankful for the people in my life. If I didn’t have their joyful personalities around me all the time I would probably be similar to the girl in the beginning of the song.

  11. Gloomy, sorrowful, and woeful are all rather fair word to describe the song "Save me" by Nicki Minaj. I choose this song because not only does the insightful lyrics show the pain and emotion but show that she wants to give up. It seems as though she is depressed about a former boyfriend she had dated. When I ever I listen to this doleful song I am very grateful for being such a happy, well loved for person. This song is so upsetting and powerful it makes you feel as though you are in her place feeling her sorrow and regretful actions. This song is beautiful and inspiring and I enjoy the sound of it. Nicki has had a harsh past and wonderful future. So eventually I hope she will be able to over come her sadness.


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