Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chronological Writing

In our conversations with others, we present our ideas in a logical order. This way, we make sense to our listeners. Typically, we relate events in the order they occurred, so our listeners don't become confused as they follow our ideas. 

In writing, the pattern we present our ideas in is called organization. Writers need to know about organizational patterns because readers expect what they read to make sense logically.

 The most common way to organize writing is called chronological order. Chronological order is the order in which the events occurred, from first to last.This type of organization is especially effective if you are describing a process, relaying a series of actions, or telling a story.

This week you must write a paragraph (between 5-10 sentences)  in chronological order. You may choose from the following topics:

1. Two people met, fell in love, and got married
2. A young person discovered a particular sport, practiced/played it throughout their life and now plays professionally
3. The weather change from January to July
4. The first day of 7th grade
5. Summarizing the plot of your favorite movie or book.
6. Your morning routine to get ready for school

Your post is due no later than Friday by 5pm.


  1. My alarm clock rings and I am sleepy and don’t want to wake up. The first thing I would do is see if its 6:30 a.m. I would wake up go into the bathroom and do my business, then wash my hands and face. Next, I brush my teeth. After, I would eat breakfast or wait till school and eat there. Either way, I would then put my clothes and shoes on. Lastly, I would try to find my bus pass and leave. So that would be my morning routine to get ready for school.

  2. Firstly, it all started when these two people were in line for coffee at dunkin donuts. All of a sudden, the guy turns with his coffee and it gets all over her. Then, the girl goes to get napkins and the guy follows. After , he helped, the girl looked up into his eyes to say thank you and they instantly fell in love. In conclusion, the girl was very confused but after about a month the mother was already trying to plan a wedding. Finally, 6 months later they got married.

  3. Firstly,my obnoxious alarm clock goes of every morning at exactly 6:20 a.m. every morning. Secondly,I carry myself to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. Next,I drag myself to the loft of my house were I wrap a blanket around me and watch the television and eat my cereal. Then,i wait until 6:45 to get my clothes downstairs which then, takes me ten minutes to put my clothes on,brush my teeth and get my bag packed. Finally I walk out the door at five past seven and walk to my bus stop which picks me up at about 7:15 and takes me five minutes to get to my bus stop then when the bus picks me up it drives me to school.

  4. I jumped out of bed with anticipation, not sleeping a minute the night before. I hopped into my back-to-school clothes waiting for me at the end of my bed. My previously packed bag was laid out on the couch as I brushed my teeth and put on my shoes. On the ride over, my whole body was trembling, not knowing who my teachers or classmates were going to be. When we finally reached the school, my entire grade had to go into the cafeteria because the power had gone out. After about a half hour, our homeroom teachers came to collect us and we got our new class schedules. I knew many of the peers that were my homeroom, but what I didn’t know was that all of the homerooms in Beauport House were going to mingled in each class, unlike what we had done in 6th grade. All of my teachers were extremely kind, intelligent, and had very much knowledge to offer us. Just from this one small segment of time, I could tell that I was going to have a very fun filled, informative, and memorable 7th grade year.

  5. I’ve decided to intwine two different topics listed, How two people fell in love and the summary of my favorite movie The Notebook. First, Allie and Noah meet at a local carnival. Second, Noah begged Allie to go on a date with him and she accepted. After that, they went on their date and fell in love with each other. Next, Allie had to move back to another town and break up with Noah since her parents thought he wasn’t good for her. Then, Allie got engaged to another man and Noah was lonely in a big house he built himself. After, Noah and Allie met up after seven years and fell in love again. Finally, Allie and Noah lived happily ever after.

  6. It all started one mid-summer night in 2010 when the stars where sparkling and the moon gleaming. Leo and Jen didn’t realise that the very next morning they would find the loves of their lives. They both awoke not knowing their fate. Since it was summer they both went to Starbucks to get drinks before heading to the beach with a group of mutual friends. Leo ordered his drink and turned pivoted to get a straw and accidentally splattered his coffee all over Jen. Not knowing each other very well he ran to get napkins to help clean up. When he was cleaning up she bent down to help and they collided heads causing them to meet the gaze of each other’s eyes. They stared softly, until it became awkward for them and everyone around them. They nervously giggled and got up to exit the coffee shop. They soon bonded after that strange encounter, taking walks in the park and going swimming. In time they went through college and had a wonderful being such close friends. During their last year of school Leo announced that he had to move away from Boston to New York for work. Heartbroken and miserable Jen let Leo go and for several years she waited in pain for his return. Leo had finished his 4th year in New York, he decided to go on an adventure to find his secret love, Jen. Jen had stayed in the exact same place since Leo left. She dreadfully waited for him to show up at her doorstep, but he never did. Leo searched and searched for Jen and soon found her. He got the first plane to get to Boston. Out of the phonebook from his hotel he located her home number and nervously dialed all the digits. He was breathing deeply and was shaking every in every part of his body. She nonchalantly picked up the phone and replied to his “hello”. She almost dropped the phone as he announced himself, he did the same. They agreed to meet up at the same Starbucks they first conversed at. When they saw each other after all those years they were speechless. After many days together and fun, it was time for Leo to leave. They didn’t want to part and after falling madly in love with each other all over again. Leo confessed his love the very next day and Jen leaped into his arms and confessed also to what she felt. They told everyone they loved that very next day and announced their marriage. To be continued.......

  7. I jumped out of bed with anticipation, not sleeping a minute the night before. I hopped into my back-to-school clothes waiting for me at the end of my bed. My previously packed bag was laid out on the couch as I brushed my teeth and put on my shoes. On the ride over, my whole body was trembling, not knowing who my teachers or classmates were going to be. When we finally reached the school, my entire grade had to go into the cafeteria because the power had gone out. After about a half hour, our homeroom teachers came to collect us and we got our new class schedules. I knew many of the peers that were my homeroom, but what I didn’t know was that all of the homerooms in Beauport House were going to mingled in each class, unlike what we had done in 6th grade. All of my teachers were extremely kind, intelligent and had very much knowledge to offer to us. Just from this one small segment of time, I could tell that I was going to have a very fun filled, informative, and memorable 7th grade year.

  8. When my mom wakes me up She asks me what I want to eat. I just say "waffles". Then I just go back to bed. Then I wake up again to my name saying "GRACE WAFFLES!" When I go to the table I dispisily eat them. When im done i sluggishly go up stairs to get ready for school. One I did everything like putting on makeup to putting on shoes I go down stairs. Then I get my bag and head off to the bus sto so I can go to school.


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