Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Hook

During class this week, a majority of our time will be spent focusing on writing and understanding how important it is to captivate our audience. People are rarely going to want to read something if they find it boring! 

We will discuss hooks and how they are designed to grasp and pull something--- and in this case it is the reader's attention. Hooks are so vital to writing because they arouse curiosity and interest in readers and give them that I can't put it down feeling. 

This week I want you to read the following writing prompt and draft a catchy introductory paragraph. Think of all the various hooks we have discussed and choose one to best grasp the attention of your reader (quotation, anecdote, startling fact, analogy, question). Your paragraph must be at least 8 sentences long and contain a thesis statement or claim, which is the main idea that the rest of your essay will explain in more detail. Feel free to comment on each others' and advise or encourage your classmates!

BE ADVISED: YOU ARE NOT WRITING A WHOLE ESSAY. You are just responsible for 8 sentences that will HOOK the reader and state your thesis/claim.

Imagine that for one day you could trade places with anyone you choose. The person could be real or imaginary, from the past or from the present.
In a well-developed composition, identify the person you would want to trade places with, explain why you would like to trade places with this person, and describe how your day would be different as this person.



  1. Would you ever want to be someone that is famous or smart? I would like to be Michael Jordan because he made shoes, clothing and backpacks. He is also very famous and good at basketball. He is a very rich man and he is the best basketball player ever. He played for the Bulls basketball team. That is why I would want to be Michael Jordan.

  2. Do you ever think about what your life would be about being famous? If I could be anyone it would be Meagan Rapinoe, because she is a great soccer player. She is the midfielder for the U.S Olympic soccer team. I also play midfield so that's why i want to be her. Soccer is my favorite sport and her career is soccer! that is why i would like to be Meagan Rapinoe

  3. Imagine if you could trade places with anyone in the world!Who would you be?If it were me I would be my my own dog!My dog is so,so,so lucky.All he does is sit around sleep and eat!Now that sounds like easy living.He also gets to ride around and sleep in my dads truck.Also I must say he dosen't have to do homework!That sounds easy!

  4. Have you ever wanted to be a rich and famous person who would go down in history? Well, if I had to choose one person it would be Steve Jobs, the former leader of the Apple Company. I would like to trade places with him for one day because I think it would be interesting to see how stressful it would be leading such a successful corporation. Also, I would like to see how his life is as far as how much money he makes and how hard or easy it is to manage it. I think my day would be much different than my regular life because I would have a lot of paperwork and so many people in my face. On the other hand, I think that it would be pretty nice because you would be able to have all of the Apple products. Also because you get the feeling of accomplishment from being such a successful person. I think it would be extremely cool thing to be Steve Jobs for a day because I would like to be someone that can say that I’ve made history and I will be remembered forever.

  5. "Touchdown Tom Brady"!!That is the person i would want to trade places with.He is really good at football.He is the best quarterback in the N.F.L.He makes a ton of money.I would love to trade places with him and play in the N.F.L.That is the person i would trade with.

  6. Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a dog? I know I sure have, for that reason I would like to trade places with my dog Shaq. Shaq is just a 5 month old puppy and already weighs over 70 pounds! I would like to trade places with my dog because I have always wondered what is was like to be a dog. He eats so much and grows HUGE but he doesn’t care. Another reason I would like to be Shaq is because all he does is spend time with my dad. That is why I would like to be my puppy Shaq.

  7. Have you ever wanted to live the life of the rich and famous? I think it would be so cool to be Shawn Johnson for a day. She is a gold medal winner in gymastics. I think it would be such an achievement to win an olympic gold medal. I've always wanted to do flips and much more. My day would be so different! I would be in magazines and on TV! I think it would be so interesting and fun to be Shawn Johnson for a day!

  8. Have you ever wondered what its like to be a cat? I absullitly have wanted to. I would get to sleep late and have fun trying to catch birds! My cat is a russinblue...not shure how old. My cat Ted eats so much food but always wants more! I would always be snuggling with my mom!Thats hy i would like to be my cat ted.

  9. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be famous for a day? I've always wondered what it would be like to be an actress. Acting in movies and television shows is fascinating to me. I would be all over tv for people to see. I think it would be very interesting to be an actress for a day.


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