Sunday, September 30, 2012

For the Purpose of Persuading...

Flashing back to last week, we discussed Anna Quindlen’s “Melting Pot.” We talked a lot about prejudice and cultural differences. I raised the question, “What is more important, our similarities or our differences?” This is the question I want you to think about for this week’s blog post!

But first, consider this:
It seems that much of what we do in life has a purpose. Think about it! You go to school to learn, you brush your teeth to prevent cavities, and you eat to fulfill hunger…  Well authors also WRITE with a purpose too!
In fact, you have a PURPOSE for writing this week’s blogpost; and the purpose isn’t just to get your homework assignment done!  (HA) Your purpose for writing this blogpost is to PERSUADE your audience.

With a blog post of at least 8 sentences or more, I want you to PERSUADE or convince readers that our similarities are more important than our differences OR our differences are more important than our similarities (whichever you choose to argue).
Support your argument. Why do YOU think similarities more important? Or why do YOU think differences are more important? Why should readers agree with YOU? Give an example or two. Write so that others will understand your point of view and be persuaded by it! 

Your post is due no later than Friday, October 5th at 5pm!


  1. I think our similarities are more important because, our similarities make more friends. Or you can get a new relationship. Also because you can get a new job and maybe you can have the same similarities as your boss. Or maybe someday you and your friends want to get something and all of you can get it, because you liked the same things. Or both go to a restaurant you both like. That’s why I think similarities are important

  2. I think that both our similarities and our differences bring us together.

    Our similarities bring us together because they make us have something in common and is kind of like an ice-breaker. Having something in common with someone can make you have an immediate bond with the person. The more you have in common with people and share the same interests can make you feel like you know the person and can make you close instantly.

    Our differences can bring us together and tear us apart. They can divide us by “putting” us into “groups” (cliques). Being different is really special. It shows that you are not afraid to show or be who you really are. Showing who you really are can make people like you better and enjoy being with you more. This happens because they know they are friends with the real you and not someone you made up to fit in.

    Being ourselves can make thing much easier and way more fun!

  3. I think differences are more important than similarities. I think this because you dont want to be the same exact person or you and your friend wouldn't have any fun. I also think that if this person was your real friend then they would learn to get along with your differences.Sometimes it is good to have similarities though because you can pick out fun things and agree on things together.

  4. I think that our similarities bring our friends together.I think that if our friends don't want to do the same things as us we well have a tough time to have fun with each other.Also when we ask questions our friends might not agree with us and when you have friends you should want to have a lot in common.When you have a good friend you want to share one thing in common that you and your friend have fun doing together.For example my friend and I love to play this video game and whenever we see each other we always talk about it.So in my opinion if you have friends you want to have things in common with them.

  5. I think that our differences are more important than our similarities because with our differences you can learn more. You can learn different languages, different hand writing’s and a lot of other different things. For example, my friend Carlos speaks two different languages , Spanish and English. He’s one of my best friends . I can learn hand different words in Spanish from him. Also, what is good about our differences is that it brings us closer to other people. For instance, you have a best friend and she/he is the exact same as you , it would be boring. But, if you both are different then it will be interesting and you can find out some cool stuff about each other . So I think that our differences are way more important than our similarities.

  6. In my opinion I think that differences are more important than similarities.I think this becausen if every one agrees than there is nothing to do and waste your time doing nothing.If presidents have speeches,and they both have the same ideas,It would be really hard to decide who you want to pick.Further more if everyone liked the same stuff,the world would be a very boring place.Same if everyone looked the same.If people argue about what they think is right and what is wrong,that makes everything more interesting.If you and a friend like different things,that is okay just decide in a non-violent way and discuss it out.Finally, being different than everyone is it is being human.

  7. I think that our similarities are more important, in many ways. If you are a different culture or religion than someone, you can become friends on your similarities. If you agree on the same thing, you can become friends with anyone who's different from you. Our similarities bring us together. Even if your different from from a certain “group” if you respect one another and have some similarities, you can become friends. We can be friendly with everyone, even if there different from you. For example me and my best friends met each other at dancing school. If we didn't all like dance, we wouldn't know that we get along.

  8. I believe that our differences are more important then our similarities. I think this because if you and your friends were exactly the same, it would be extremely boring because you would never be stretched to new horizons. Also, you would never be your own person and be able to think independently. One of my best friends speaks fluently in French, Portuguese and English. It's really interesting to hear her speak to her family because I don't usually get the chance to get to hear different languages. If we were all the same you wouldn't have any time to hear what other people have to say. Also, there would never be a right or a wrong answer. I think it is a good thing that we are not all the same because it makes us closer and helps us to except each other and the way we live.

  9. I think our similarities are more important than differences. If two friends wanted to do something together and one friend wanted to do a different thing then the other ,how are they going to get along? For instance, if you wanted to go to the mall and your friend wanted to go to play video games you would never get to do something and have fun well you do it. When friends aren't similar they cant have fun. Therefore similarities are better than differences.

  10. I think that our differences are more important than our similarities. I mainly believe this because our differences make us who we are and if we were all the same it would be very boring. though we might argue with differences we could at least tell who’s who.

  11. I think that our differences and similarities make us who we are. Similarities are important because we can have common interests with our friends and family. Also, it gives us a chance to find more people with those similarities. That is why similarities are important. Differences are also important because they make up most of your personality. With your differences you can meet new people and find out different interests. I think that differences are better than similarities.


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