Monday, November 5, 2012

Stretchin' Sentences

This week will be fun. We will do stuff. I am happy. I can't wait. Learning is cool. 

---- How annoying/boring was that?!

SPICE UP YOUR SENTENCES BY STRETCHING THEM! That is what we will be working on throughout this week. It is time to focus more on our descriptive writing. You will begin to understand how including imagery in your writing allows you to SHOW rather than simply tell.

Your task this week is to choose three of the following sentences
and   s  t  r  e  t  c  h    t  h  e  m  !

1. The dog ran.
2. The weekend was fun.
3. My mom is happy.
4. The boy laughed.
5. I ate fast.
6. She got a lot of candy.

 "These chips are good."

Opening the bag, a crinkling sound filled the air as my mouth began to water in anticipation of the sweet barbeque taste of the perfectly crisp potato chips.

Please post your sentences as comments and feel free to praise your classmates' responses!


  1. 1) The dog sprinted after the tennis ball to retreive it
    2) Ate shoveled the food into my mouth so I could get back to my favorite television show.
    3) Kelly received tons of candy from trick-or-treating in her neighborhood.

  2. I opened my door as I saw my dog running towards me filled with excitement, as she approached me with a wagging tail.

    While walking through the park on a sunny saturday afternoon I spotted a childrens birthday with tons of laughing children and one boy who was laughing so hard he almost cried.

    As I opened the big package of scrumptious chocolate candy bars, the aroma filled my nose with the sweet smell and I almost couldn’t resist eating a lot of them.

  3. (1) Every day, I eat quickly to leave in time for school so I am not late and not marked absent.

    (2) Today, my mom is happy because we spent time together at the mall to go to see a movie.

    (3) Last night, my dog ran away while turning back and smirking at me as I chased after him down the street.

  4. I ate fast as I scarfed down my granola bar to my dads car to go to school because it was 7:30.The boy laughed at the funny prank that the evil teacher had pulled on him.She got a lot of delicious candy from taking it from the take one bowls and dumping them into her candy bag.

  5. (1.)This afternoon as I walked to the park I saw a dog, the dog had sensed a juicy, powerful smell of a bone and took off.

    (2.) It was fun as I walked and sat on the ride I could see the excitement in my friends eyes as the roller coaster went up!

    (3.)Today I took my mom out to go eat dinner and I bought her candy and she was very happy.

  6. 1. The entertaining boy laughed with his friends as he had told them an exciting joke.

    2. The long weekend was very well spent with family and friends to enjoy the anticipating holiday with.

    3. I ate quickly as my family and I were rushing out the door.

  7. 1.The mail man came to deliever my mail,once I let my dog out the dog ran to the mail man and grabbed my mail.

    2.As i got home i ran to find my mom and tell her that i got an A on my ela class my mom was happy.

    3.Everyday i eat quickly at breakfast to get to class.

  8. One day a guy with a long, smelly, frisky beard woke up and found a burrito talking to him.

    A cat saw a duck sitting by a lake, that cat saw the duck yawned and scratch his tail feathers, but the cat did not tell the other cats about that duck scratching his smelly tail feathers for he was a modest cat.

    I picked up the little alien with its wrinkled face and i touched its nose, its big booger-y nose ate my hand and fell asleep.

  9. (1)I ate breakfast fast so i could make it to the Patriots game on time.
    (2)The dog ran as i threw the tennis ball on the baseball field.
    (3)The boy laughed as he saw something funny on Facebook

  10. I through that big meating red bone as my litttle puppy chased after it. It was so much fun and I cant wait to play with her again

    That was a good day Ms. Domahowski told us a funny joke all the boys laughed and all the girls laughed. She told us about her crazy friends.

    It was va special night. It's Halloween we went trick or treating every were and we got so much candy.

  11. The little dog ran as fast as an lightning bolt.
    As i opened the bag and poured the cereal also poured the milk I dash will my spoon and japed with my spoon into the cereal i ate as fast as an cheetah.
    This week end was a huge blast because when i went to the bi surprise parts loud music filled the room.

  12. (1)I ate an amzing peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
    (2)As i walked into the caffatiria the smell of peanut butter and jelly filled my nose. (3)As I walked into the caffatiria the smell of peanuts and jelly filled my nose as i walked up to the lage white doorway and got my sweet deliciouse smelling sandwich on whole weat bread.


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