Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Power We Have

"This is a lesson to us all. A reminder that it doesn’t matter who you are – the way we interact with each other every day is important. We affect each other. In big ways and in small.
Whether it’s a cashier at the local shop or the new boss from regional head office, we are all people first. We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day."

Reflect upon the above quotation. Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Support your response. Think of the many people you have come across in your life and describe how some have affected you.


(Respond in atleast 8 sentences. Be sure to include proper punctuation and capitalization. PROOFREAD.)


  1. I do agree with this quote because it’s all so true. One reason is because if you would go the store of course you would say hi to the cashier. Maybe someone is on a bad day and you say “I like your shirt” and then they might be happy and not sad. Or for example, Mrs. Domohowskie when she’s a waitress she writes thank you on the bill and then someone writes back no, thank you and a smiley. That’s why I agree to this quote.

  2. Personally, I do agree with the quotation that relates to the story A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The quote talks about how we have the ability to affect people's live's, whether in a good way or a bad way. If you hurt or offend someone, that would most likely ruin their day, but if you try to be kind and reach out to people, I think that it would make you feel good as well as the other person. For example, one time, I was having a really terrible day and absolutely nothing was going my way. Then, when my parents and I were driving, we stopped at a stoplight. I looked out the window to the car adjacent to us, and the person in the back seat simply smiled and waved. Just this one kind gesture from a person changed my whole day, and now I try every chance I get to smile and wave at someone who looks like they might be having a bad day. Clearly, we have the power to affect people's lives dramatically by what we do and what we say; so choose wisely.

  3. I agree with this statement fully and how anyone can affect someone. For instance, I once made a kid's day at camp last summer. He was having an awful day, and he ran away from his group. So I offered to go and get him. When I found him, he was upset. So I asked what was wrong and he told me. After listening to him,I told him to think positive in every situation and he smiled and got up off the ground and said "thanks AJ for helping me." For the rest of the summer, the kid had an awesome summer. Clearly, helping someone you don't even know can make a person happy and you didn't have to do much.

  4. I agree with this quote because if you were mean to a person they would become very sad and mad at the person who was being mean to them and that would ruin their whole day! If the bully instead said a compliment then that would change the person's whole day! You should try everyday to be kind to people because that will change how people think of you. Also, it would change how you think of people, and you might even make friends!

  5. I do agree with the christmas carol. It says how it can be good and bad.How u can always make some the day better and u can smile. You can make someone elce smile.How every one can work together the day can become good.Its kinda saying liike if u put something good out there something will in ur body will reward you.

  6. I agree that "we all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day." For instance, I made my teacher's day by staying after school and doing my blog post! I affected my teacher. I think we all power to affect someone's day. I saw an ambulance get stuck in traffic with it's lights on and I thought, "what if someone was dying? They will never make it because of the traffic." All the people that were in the traffic blocked the ambulance and affected whether the person lived or died.

  7. Yes, I do agree with the quotation. It says that other people can make people sad by bullying or people can make other people feel amazing. Like if you hurt or offend someone, that would most likely ruin their day, but if you try to be kind and reach out to people, I think that it would make you feel good as well as the other person. I have some experience with making someones day. One time at natures classroom my friend was crying because of these awful girls and I told her that she shouldn't believe anything anyone says unless you really trust them!

  8. I agree with the quotation, I think you can affect people in a huge way. Actions speak louder than words. In my own personal experience, the smallest gestures such as a hand wave and a smile can make me have a positive outlook on my whole day. If you are nice to another person, such as say a compliment or give a smile, that could start a chain reaction. That person might be inspired to do the same to another person they see, it will then go on and on. Your wave and smile could affect not just one person, but hundreds, and thousands! You can not only make someone feel good, but you can inspire them to do the right thing. If you see someone getting bullied, and you stand up and do the right thing, a nearby person might do the same thing the next day. You inspired them to take a stand and make the right decision.

  9. I agree with the quote. If some one says or does something mean to someone you can make that person sad. But, if someone does something nice that person will be happy all day, and may even say something nice back. For example if someone is being mean to someone else then someone smiles at them or compliments them then you can make their day a whole lot better. That is why i agree with this quote.

  10. I pretty much agree with this quote. If someone is feeling down, you have the oppurtunity to pick them back up. If someone is in a good mood, however, you have the oppurtunity to put them down for whatever your reason.But, that is not always the case. If someone is feeling really down or depressesd, you probably won't be able to put them in a good mood. Also, if someone is feeling really good and thinking very positive, they can keep themselves in a good mood no matter what you can say. Mostly I agree that you can ruin or make someones day with a simple gesture.

  11. I agree with this quote. If someone is feling down, try to make them happy cause you want them to do the same to you. You can make a chain reaction, just by saying something nice.So many people can be afected by just saying something stupid like a face expresion. People's felling get hurt alot and it normal.


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